
My Guru

The Foundation who built Us

“गुरू ब्रह्मा गुरू विष्णु, गुरु देवो महेश्वरा गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः|”

There is a Guru in all of us. In his words, you’ll Find Wisdom at his feet you’ll Find the word GURU is link between me and God.
I bow down at the “PUNYA” Feet of all my GURUS (Teachers) on every auspicious occasion to express my Gratitude For always being there all time with me and Blessed Forever.
My all GURUS and specially my beloved GURU Punjya VAIDYA NARSIKAKA only they Enlightened my path by improving my inner ability.
Thank You!!!
All my GURU For enriching my successful “VAIDHYARATNAM” Life and widening my horizons. Without all of you, many aspects of my Ayurvedic life would have been Unexplored.
Today wherever I am whatever good exists in me is very much Because of my GURUS.
My Respected PUNJYA GURU VAIDHYA NARSIKAKA & Dr. P. YADAIAH always said that when they suffers it brings them closer to GOD
All Sadness are Prasad of the Lovely God
I Love All my Gurus,
Vaidyaratnam Sandip Patel


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